is a village located in the district of Kintamani, Bangli Regency, Bali,
Indonesia. Terunyan located near Lake Batur. To achieve this unique village
then we will pass Penelokan sights first, which is approximately 65 km from
Denpasar and is 23 km from the capital city of Bangli district. When in
Penelokan area, you can enjoy the beautiful panorama of lake Batur how
occasional looks seen a boat carrying tourists in every crossing from village
to village Trunyan Kedisan. Trunyan communities have a tradition of funerals
where the body was buried on top of a large stone basin which has 7 pieces.
body just lined woven bamboo, indigenous village ordinances regulating Terunyan
bury its citizens. In this village there are three grave (sema) that are
intended for three different types of death. When one resident died of natural
causes Terunyan, his body will be covered with a white cloth, consecrated, then
placed without buried under a big tree called Taru incense, at a location
called Sema Wayah. However, if the cause of death was not natural, such as
accident, suicide, or murdered, his body will be placed in a location called
Sema Bantas. As for burying infants and young children, or people who have
grown but not married, will be placed at Sema Young.
of why the bodies were placed neatly in the sema odorless whereas naturally,
still occurs decomposition over the bodies is due Taru incense tree, which can
release a fragrant smell and is able to neutralize the smell of rotting corpses.
Taru means tree, meaning fragrant incense. Taru incense tree, only grows in
this area. Be Tarumenyan which came to be known as Terunyan is believed to be
the origin of the village name.
can rent a boat from Kedisan Pier on one side of Batur Lake, directly towards
graveyard Trunyan. Price per boat from Rp 50,000-100,000, with a travel time of
about 30 minutes each way. This boat can carry up to 5 travelers at a time.
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